If someone would have told me 10years ago that I was dating the devil reincarnate, that she and I wouldn’t last, and in 10years time I would have found the love of my life and been married to my mirror.. I would have sworn them a liar.. I mean we were so great together, and we LOVED…. I can’ t even continue to talk about this one.. Lol.. I was just stupid..
If someone would have told me 10years ago that I would find wonderful friendships, build them strong, and then lose those friends.. That I would learn the meaning of “Only the good die young”.. I’m sure I wouldn’t have believed it, but only because I was so adamant that my small net of friends would have been the only group of friends I would ever have..
If someone would have told me 10years ago that there would ever have been a day that I would question my confidence, that I would ever not be 100% satisfied with my looks, that I would ever be disappointed in my appearance.. My cocky ass would have just laughed..
If someone would have told me 10years ago that I will become the accountant that I’d dreamed to become.. I wouldn’t have known how that could have been possible.. I mean I rocked hard in the street life, I figured that my Lawyer/Accountant dreams from HS were unobtainable..
If someone would have told me 10years ago that there would be a day that I would face a struggle harder than any I’d ever thought possible.. And be stuck in and constantly reminded of that struggle for years.. I would have figured that there was nothing that could possibly be more difficult than what I’d already experienced.. If only I understood then that Murphy’s Law is real..
I’m coming close to my 29th birthday, meaning closer to being 30 and the end of my 20’s.. Today in this moment I am not where I’d dreamed of being when I was a child and not where I’d thought I’d be 10years ago.. I am here and I know I am blessed.. May God grant me the serenity to accept the things in which I cannot change, the strength and courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.. Thinking of the me I was just 10 short years ago and the me I am now, I can see the difference a decade has made..
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